
Terahertz (THz) radiation or T-rays corresponds to the frequency band ranging from 0.3 THz to 10 THz on the electromagnetic (EM) wavespectrum. It bridges the gap between the electronic microwaves and photonic infrared radiations. The photon energy of T-rays (4.14 meV at 1 THz), leads to rotational and vibrational transitions in molecules [1]. These transitions are molecule specific and hence the molecules exhibit spectral signatures in THz region. Some of the other important properties of the THz waves are — it is transparent to non — polar and non — metallic materials like cloth, paper, wood and plastic. This range of EM waves also undergoes extreme water absorption. These properties make THz time domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS) suitable for many applications like — chemical identification, security screening, medical imaging and remote sensing [2]. Unlike other spectroscopic techniques, the THz TDS measures THz electric field; therefore, it is relatively straightforward to extract the amplitude as well as phase information. This information can be further utilized to extract the material parameters like refractive index and extinction coefficient [3].

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