
This study was performed to test the effect of the chemical composition of the blood on cerebral blood flow (CBF) regulation in turtles. The CBF response to increases in arterial PCO2 (PaCO2) (hypercapnia) was measured during normoxia and anoxia in anesthetized freshwater turtles Pseudemys scripta. The radioactive-microsphere technique was used to measure CBF. CBF increased with increases in PaCO2. The sensitivity of the CBF response to hypercapnia (delta CBF/delta PaCO2) was 0.68 ml.min-1.100 g-1. Torr-1 during normoxia. delta CBF/delta PaCO2 increased to 3.44 ml.min-1.100 g-1. Torr-1 during anoxia. The increases in CBF occurred at constant mean arterial blood pressure, which indicates that cerebral vascular resistance decreased. The increased CBF response during asphyxia (hypercapnia-anoxia) could be beneficial for survival during prolonged dives by increasing glucose delivery for brain anaerobic metabolism. In addition, increased CBF could aid in regulating brain acid-base composition by controlling extracellular fluid PCO2.

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