
The chemical profiles of PM2.5 emitted from a non-road diesel generator, wood burning and cooking activities including chicken and beef charcoal grilling and general cooking activities were determined. The characterization included the carbonaceous fraction (OC/EC), water-soluble ions, elements, and organic species comprising n-alkanes, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, carboxylic acids, levoglucosan, dioxins, furans, and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls. The main component in the PM2.5 from the different sources was carbonaceous matter with a mass contribution to PM2.5 of 49% for cooking activities, 53% for wood burning, 66% for beef grilling, 72% for chicken grilling, and 74% for diesel generator with different OC/EC concentration ratios. The analysis of organic compounds contents using diagnostic ratios and indexes showed differences between the sources and revealed specific source markers. The water-soluble ions had the highest contribution in the cooking activities profile with 17% of PM2.5 and the least in the chicken grilling profile (1.1%). Additionally, 29 analyzed elements were identified, and their contribution varied with the sources (ranging from 1% to 11% of PM2.5). These findings could be used to differentiate these sources and could assist in the use of source apportionment methods.

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