
2 Abstract: The nutritional value, mineral element compositions and phytochemical screening of Nypa fruiticans (mangrove swamps) were investigated. Proximate analyses of the husk showed that it contained moisture (65.14±.0.04% DM), fat (1.5±0.13% DM), crude protein (2.00±0.64% DM), fibre (2.47±0.09% DM), ash (4.20±0.14% DM), carbohydrate (24.63±0.17% DM) while the seeds contained moisture (41.96±0.28% DM), fat (0.94±0.01% DM), crude protein (1.27±0.01% DM), fibre (2.50±0.19% DM), ash (2.70±0.11% DM) and carbohydrate (51.0±1.71% DM). The moisture and carbohydrate contents revealed increased levels in both husk and seeds than other proximate parameters. The toxicant compositions of the husk revealed that hydro cyanide, oxalate and phytate contents were 0.63±0.02, 6.50±0.025 and 4.03±0.09 mg/100g DM respectively while the seeds revealed 0.08±0.01, 9.90±0.08 and 8.50±0.64mg/100g DM respectively. The hydro cyanide, oxalate and phytate contents were quite low in both seeds and husk. Mineral elements concentrations revealed potassium contents of 147.28±0.65mg /100g DM for the husk while the seeds showed 128.52±0.6mg/100g DM. The magnesium, sodium, iron, calcium, copper and zinc contents were virtually low in both seeds and husk of Nypa fruiticans. The vitamin A contents of the seeds and husk show that it contained 30.50±0.64 and 8.00±0.21mg/100g DM respectively.

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