
In this paper, the chemical potential of two-dimensional (2D) and quasi-one-dimensional(Q1D) multisubband charged Fermi gases is evaluated. We start with a rather generalformula for the thermodynamic potential of an ideal quantum statistical system witharbitrary occupation-number to calculate, as a particular case, the chemical potential of themultisubband 2D Fermi gas described by a quadratic energy spectrum. The chemicalpotential is also studied in the case of a low-dimensional Fermi gas in the presence of aquantizing magnetic field. The same approach is used to study the chemical potential of amultisubband Q1D Fermi gas. The influence of temperature is considered. We foundinteresting analytical results for special limits as well as numerical results that may beimportant for the description of both the thermodynamic and kinetic properties of Fermisystems in low dimensionality.

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