
The subject of the study is the need to form a modern ecological culture in the conditions of growing macroeconomic turbulence and systemic ecological crisis. The object of the study is the state of the modern environment, in general, and its chemical pollution, in particular. The authors consider in detail such aspects of the topic as the currently growing chemical pollution of the environment, the cumulative effect of such pollution, issues of ensuring environmental (chemical) safety and ways of forming an ecological culture. Special attention is paid to the institutional and legal aspect of the development of ecological culture in the "nature – society" system and the conditions necessary to prevent further chemical pollution of the environment. The main conclusions of the study are proposals to create a promising strategy (program) for the prevention and elimination of chemical pollution of the environment, to complete the preparation and adoption of an appropriate regulatory framework for dealing with chemical pollution and related risks, to increase public literacy in the field of chemical safety, to develop a new methodology for monitoring, assessment and relief of chemical pollution at enterprises and organizations that are sources of such pollution, as well as on the revision of some principles and norms of modern environmental policy in the field of combating chemical pollution, adjusting its main direction related to the preservation of the "status quo" of the environment towards its reclamation and reproduction. The novelty of the research lies in the development of organizational aspects related to the culture of chemical safety in modern conditions.

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