
RICOM-1013-J (Ricinus communis var minor) administered orally once to each of 12 women volunteers at a dose of 2.5-2.7 g per 8 months, protected against pregnancy over a period of 7-8 months of study. A study of the effect of a contraceptive dose (20 mg/kg) on metabolic parameters in rat (food and water in-take, urine and faecal output and body weight) over a period of 4 months showed a slight decrease in all the parameters in the first 1-8 weeks. This effect was reversible attaining pretreatment levels from week 16. The LD(50) in an acute toxicity test in mice was 63.1 +/- 16.0 g/kg s.c. Determination of blood urea, sodium (Na(+)), potassium (K(+)), chloride (Cl(-)) and bicarbonate (HCO$_¿3¿ ¿-¿$)as a measure of renal function and alkaline phosphatase (ALP), transaminases (GPT and GOT) and transpeptidases (GGT) as a measure of liver function showed that liver function profiles in pretreated rats were not significantly different from control (p < 0.05) on day 21 to day 150. However, serum levels of ALP and GGT at day 120 to day 150 were moderately but significantly elevated (p > 0.05) compared with the control. There were no significant changes in renal function profiles in pretreated rats (p < 0.05) compared with the control. The results of the liver and renal function profiles in women volunteers showed that there were no significant (p < 0.05) changes in renal functions on day 206 following RICOM-1013-J administration. However, serum levels of ALP and GGT showed a slight rise in about 70% of volunteers, whereas bilirubin and transaminases levels were normal. The present results indicate a very high efficacy and margin of safety of RICOM-1013-J in women volunteers. The increase in ALP and GGT in both animal and women volunteers suggest mild intrahepatic cholestatic changes which may be attributed to an oestrogenic effect of RICOM-1013-J.

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