
Chemical oceanographic studies in the North Indian Ocean have revealed several interesting and unique features. These are caused by the diverse conditions prevailing in the area which include immense river runoff in the northeast (Bay of Bengal) and a large excess of evaporation over precipitation and runoff in the northwest (Arabian Sea, Persian Gulf and Red Sea), resulting in the formation of several low- and high-salinity water masses. The occurrence of coastal upwelling seasonally makes the region highly fertile, and the existence of Asian landmass, forming the northern boundary, prevents quick renewal of subsurface layers. Consequently, dissolved oxygen gets severely depleted below the thermocline and reducing conditions prevail at intermediate depths (ca. 150–1200m) resulting in the reduction of nitrate (denitrification). The North Indian Ocean may contribute up to 10% of the global marine denitrification. The “denitrified” nitrogen, when combined with the rate of photosynthetic production reaching below the euphotic zone, gives the average residence time of water between 75 and 1200m as 43–51 years. The inorganic nutrient concentrations in the subsurface layers are very high in close proximity of the euphotic zone. The two-layered circulation leads to an active recycling of nutrients. The presence of organic fractions of nitrogen and phosphorus in significant concentrations in the deep water suggest that oxidation of organic matter is incomplete even great depths. The relationships between the apparent oxygen utilization (AOU) and nutrients and the stoichiometric composition of organic matter, deduced from the oxidative ratios and by analysis of plankton, are not very different from other oceanic areas. Higher nutrients and lower oxygen concentrations occur in the bottom layer as compared to the overlying water column in deep waters of the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea, suggesting that considerable quantities of organic matter reach the deep-sea floor, probably as fecal pellets, and get oxidized in the bottom layer. Very high silicate concentrations occur in the bottom water, especially in the Arabian Sea, decreasing steadily southward, indicating the solution of diatomaceous sediments from the sea floor. The silicate-rich waters appear to move southward over the north-bound, silicate-poor bottom water, resulting in the occurrence of a deep silicate maximum. The calcium: chlorinity ratio in the North Indian Ocean is appreciably higher than the oceanic averages. This is probably due to: (1) a high rate of river runoff in relatively small area; and (2) excessive stripping of calcium at the surface associated with a high biological productivity and its subsequent addition and regeneration in the bottom waters. The upward flux of calcium appears to be higher than in other oceanic areas. Other major constituents investigated (fluoride and magnesium) do not show any anomally. The partial pressure of carbon dioxide in surface waters of the North Indian Ocean is higher than that in the atmosphere which results in a net flux of carbon dioxide from the sea to the atmosphere. Stagnation of intermediate layers, coupled with high organic productivity at the surface, results in high total carbon dioxide content at these levels. An increase in carbonate ion concentration occurs with depth in deep waters (>1000m). Calcite saturation depth varies from 1000 to 3000m, increasing proressively southward. The lysocline lies at about 4000m depth, while the carbonate critical depth is located at 4000–5100m. The lysocline appears to be related to the “critical carbonate ion concentration” of 90±5 μm kg −1.

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