
A simple and efficient strategy for the selective modification of the peptide N terminus with an unnatural amino acid is described. A peptide having a SUMO-HisTag-TEV sequence (SUMO: small ubiquitin-related modifier, TEV: tobacco etch virus) preceding the N terminus of the target peptide was designed. Recombinant expression in E. coli and subsequent SUMO protease cleavage yielded the HisTag-TEV-target peptide. Partial protection of the lysine side chains of this peptide with d-glucopyranosyloxycarbonyl and removal of the HisTag-TEV sequence by TEV protease yielded the partially protected peptide with a free N-terminal amine. Coupling of selenocysteine selectively at the N terminus and subsequent acidic deprotection of the carbohydrate protecting groups yielded a modified peptide that can be used for native chemical ligation (NCL). As a proof of concept, the modification of a longer recombinant peptide with selenocysteinylserine (GalNAc) at the N terminus was demonstrated.

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