
The Trump administration’s decision to impose tariffs on imported steel and aluminum is unpopular with many industries, including the chemical sector. The U.S. industry’s leading trade group, the American Chemistry Council (ACC), is condemning the measure, saying it will hurt industry competitiveness. In a White House ceremony before steel and aluminum industry workers on March 8, President Donald J. Trump signed a proclamation imposing a 25% tariff on imported steel and a 10% duty on aluminum. Trump left the door open to trading partners Canada and Mexico, as well as military allies, being exempt from the measures. “Steel is steel,” Trump said. “If you don’t have steel, you don’t have a country.” The administration has grown increasingly concerned about steel. Last month, the Commerce Department issued a report calling for the U.S. to reduce steel imports. Imports grew at double-digit rates in 2017, the report noted, and the U.S. now

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