
INTRODUCTION. ELEMENTS OF GRAPH THEORY. The Definition of a Graph. Isomorphic Graphs and Graph Automorphism. Walks, Trails, Paths, Distances and Valencies in Graphs. Subgraphs. Regular Graphs. Trees. Planar Graphs. The Story of the Koenigsberg Bridge Problem and Eulerian Graphs. Hamiltonian Graphs. Line Graphs. Vertex Coloring of a Graph. CHEMICAL GRAPHS. The Concept of a Chemical Graph. Molecular Topology. Huckel Graphs. Polyhexes and Benzenoid Graphs. Weighted Graphs. GRAPH-THEORETICAL MATRICES. The Adjacency Matrix. The Distance Matrix. THE CHARACTERISTIC POLYNOMIAL OF A GRAPH. The Definition of the Characteristic Polynomial. The Method of Sachs for Computing the Characteristic Polynomial. The Characteristic Polynomials of Some Classes of Simple Graphs. The Le Verrier-Faddeev-Frame Method for Computing the Characteristic Polynomial. TOPOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF HUECKEL THEORY. Elements of Huckel Theory. Isomorphism of Huckel Theory and Graph Spectral Theory. The Huckel Spectrum. Charge Densities and Bond Orders in Conjugated Systems. The Two-Color Problem in Huckel Theory. Eigenvalues of Linear Polyenes. Eigenvalues of Annulenes. Eigenvalues of Moebius Annulenes. A Classification Scheme for Monocyclic Systems. Total p-Electron Energy. TOPOLOGICAL RESONANCE ENERGY. Huckel Resonance Energy. Dewar Resonance Energy. The Concept of Topological Resonance Energy. Computation of the Acyclic Polynomial. Applications of the TRE Model. ENUMERATION OF KEKULE VALENCE STRUCTURES. The Role of Kekule Valence Structures in Chemistry. The Identification of Kekule Systems. Methods for the Enumeration of Kekule Structures. The Concept of Parity of Kekule Structures. THE CONJUGATED-CIRCUIT MODEL. The Concept of Conjugated Circuits. The p-Resonance Energy Expression. Selection of the Parameters. Computational Procedure. Applications of the Conjugated-Circuit Model. Parity of Conjugated Circuits. TOPOLOGICAL INDICES. Definitions of Topological Indices. The Three-Dimensional Wiener Number. ISOMER ENUMERATION. The Cayley Generation Functions. The Henze-Blair Approach. The Polya Enumeration Method. The Enumeration Method Based on the N-Tuple Code.

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