
The use of chemicals in well was begun about 45 years ago in Ohio, but it was not until early in 1932, when inhibitors to prevent acid corrosion were developed, that the acidizing process became commercial. Various developments which followed the successful of inhibited acid to well led to the developments of other materials and technique. Some of the more important chemical addition agents which have become important in this field are surface-tension reducing compounds, stabilizers to prevent secondary precipitation, emulsion preventers, and chemicals to regulate the reaction rates of acid on various types reservoirs rocks. Research of this type naturally led to other drilling and production problems which have resulted in the commercial application of chemicals for the control of undesirable fluids in wells. The use of plastics in the laboratory analyses of cores is also mentioned. Chemicals and equipment for drilling lateral holes into oil-producing formations are discussed, and it is pointed out that if the process becomes efficient and economical, decided advantages will be obtained. One of these will be greater oil recovery also briefly discussed is a new method of perforating pipe with abrasive fluids. This paper briefly mentions the research on the nature of drilling clays and fluids and the effect of chemicals on the properties of these fluids. The use of certain chemicals to overcome heaving shale on the Gulf Coast is also mentioned.

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