
Phenolics and terpenoids characteristic for silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) were screened in current-growth twigs of seedlings (1-growing-season-old individuals) and current-growth twigs of saplings (3 to 5-year-old individuals) of several birch species. Seedlings were grown in a greenhouse for 1 growing season. Saplings were field cultivated or wild-stand individuals. Chemicals were methanol-extracted, purified and HPLC-diode array detector-, gas chromatograph-flame ionizaton detector- and gas chromatograph-mass selective-analyzed. Species-specific qualitative and quantitative variation of secondary chemicals in birch stems were considerable and dependent on the age of the individual. The chemical diversity and amount were lower in seedlings than in saplings. In saplings, (+)-catechin and its derivatives were found in nearly all species, while arylbutanoids (±rhododendrol glucosides), an arylheptanoid (platyphylloside) and dammaraneterpenoids (papyriferic acid, deacetylpapyriferic acid and pendulic acid) showed a more restricted distribution. The chemicals analyzed in birch stems are a useful tool for recognition of species.

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