
The essential oils of aromatic plants used by the Wakhi and Kyrgyz peoples in the remote Wakhan Corridor in Afghanistan were analysed by GC-MS. The species (with major components in brackets) were Artemisia dracunculus (1,3-pentadiyne (26.5 %), D-sylvestrene (11.7 %) and α-acetylnaphthalene (9.1 %)); Artemisia persica (artemisia ketone (38.4 %), (1ST-camphor (32.8 %) and 1,8-cineole (13.6 %)); Artemisia sieversiana (cis-verbenol (24.9 %), 1,8-cineole (20.3 %), β-pinene (15.7 %) and L-borneol (13.7 %); Dracocephalum paulsenii ((R)-(+)-α-pinene (24.5 %), S-(-)-cis-verbenol (14.5 %), germacron (14.1 %), Rcaryophyllene oxide (13.6 %) and (+)-γ-elemene (9.8 %)); Elsholtzia densa (piperitone (56.5 %) and piperitenone oxide (36.2 %)); Lagochilus cabulicus (β-springene (19.4 %), geranyllinalool (16.4 %) and (R)-(+)-α-pinene (14.2 %)); Mentha longifolia (piperitenone oxide (84.8 %)); Nepeta pamiriensis (1,8-cineol (97.7 %)) and Zizophera clinopodiodes (pulegone (58.6 %) and p-menthone (24.8 %)).

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