
In this study, the essential oils (EOs) obtained from three endemic Prangos species from Turkey (P. heyniae, P. meliocarpoides var. meliocarpoides, and P. uechtritzii) were studied for their chemical composition and biological activities. β-Bisabolenal (12.2%) and caryophyllene oxide (7.9%) were the principal components of P. heyniae EO, while P. meliocarpoides EO contained sabinene (16.7%) and p-cymene (13.2%), and P. uechtritzii EO contained p-cymene (24.6%) and caryophyllene oxide (19.6%), as the most abundant components. With regard to their antioxidant activity, all the EOs were found to possess free radical scavenging potential demonstrated in both DPPH and ABTS assays (0.43–1.74 mg TE/g and 24.18–92.99 mg TE/g, respectively). Additionally, while no inhibitory activity was displayed by P. meliocarpoides and P. uechtritzii EOs against both cholinesterases (acetyl- and butyryl-cholinesterases). Moreover, all the EOs were found to act as inhibitors of tyrosinase (46.34–69.56 mg KAE/g). Molecular docking revealed elemol and α-bisabolol to have the most effective binding affinity with tyrosinase and amylase. Altogether, this study unveiled some interesting biological activities of these EOs, especially as natural antioxidants and tyrosinase inhibitors and hence offers stimulating prospects of them in the development of anti-hyperpigmentation topical formulations.


  • A total of 41 components was detected in P. heyniae essential oils (EOs) (0.1–12.2%), while 40 components were found in P. meliocarpoides var. meliocarpoides EO (0.1–16.7%)

  • Only components were identified in P. uechtritzii EO (0.1–24.6%) (Table 1)

  • Ten compounds (α-pinene, β-pinene, sabinene, myrcene, limonene, p-cymene, α-copaene, γ-muurolene, Molecules 2022, 27, 1676 caryophyllene oxide and spathulenol) were found to be common to all three EOs, they varied in their percentages

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Essential oils (EOs) are recognized for their exceptional medicinal value and are considered among the most attractive and potent plant-derived products. Referred to as ethereal oils, are volatile and odorous oils present in only 10% of the plant kingdom and are stored in plants in special brittle secretory structures, for instance glands, secretory hairs, secretory ducts, secretory cavities or resin ducts. EOs have been used as perfumes, flavors in foods and beverage ingredients, or to heal both the body and mind since ages and even today they continue to be of paramount importance [1]. Many studies have focused on the pharmacological and cosmeceutical potentials of EOs such as antioxidant, antimicrobial, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antiaging and antimelanogenic amongst many others [2–4]. Growing evidences of the health benefits of these natural essences have prompted researchers to further investigate

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