
This study was conducted to characterize different dietary oils commonly used in broiler chicken production. Soybean oil (SYO), Palm-kernel oil (PKO), Sheabutter (SHO), Coconut oil (CO) and Groundnut oil (GNO) were each assayed for their physical and chemical characteristics using standard procedures. The CO had higher (P<0.05) saponification value (14.55mg/KOH) compared to SHO (60.80mg/KOH), which was lowest. ThePKO had significantly higher (P<0.05) acid value (mgKOH/g) (3.65), comparedwithSHO(0.90). The GNOhad the highest (18.08) for iodine value while PKO (4.71). Peroxide value was highest (P<0.05) in PKO (76.73) and lowest in SYO (4.98). Fatty acid profile was significantly affected by dietary oil sources. The SYBO was higher (P<0.05) in arachidonic acid (2.25) compared with CO (0.07) while Linoleic acid was highest in CO (19.72) compared to GNO (18.05) that had the lowest value. Linolenic acid concentration was higher in GNO (3.14) than SHO (0.16). The CO (8345.06±57.79) had the highest levelof totalcarotene compared withSHO (1550.26 ±12.43) while GNO was highest in .45) content while PKO was lowest (25.59 ± 0.35).The different oils have variedinherent chemical compositionswhichwhen deployed as ingredient,may have different impact on performance of broiler chickens

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