
Stigma-like structures were produced in tissue cultures (TC stigmas) from the ovary explants of C. sativus on MS medium supplemented with NAA and BA. The size of these structures was 2 to 3 cm in length. At higher concentrations of both NAA (54 µM) and BA (44 µM) white tubular abnormal structures were observed from ovary explants in addition to the TC stigmas. Crocin and picrocrocin, responsible for colour and bitter taste respectively, were found to be 6 and 11 times lower in TC stigmas than in the natural stigmas. The saffron obtained from tissue cultures was subjected to sensory analysis and compared with the data obtained from chemical analysis. The sensory data indicated that the saffron pigments produced in tissue cultures were one tenth that of natural stigmas. Sensory profile test showed that the tissue culture saffron was low in floral, spicy and fatty characteristics as compared to saffron obtained from flowers. This is the first report on the sensory analysis of a spice produced in tissue cultures.

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