
We characterized three Japanese firefly species (Luciola lateralis, Luciola cruciata, and Lucidina biplagiata) and three North American firefly species (Lucidota atra, Photuris lucicrescens, and Photuris cinctipennis) based on their surface hydrocarbons. The analysis of firefly extracts by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) revealed clear differences in the chromatographic profiles and mass spectra. Each firefly could be distinguished by its GC-MS profile. A major difference was observed between Japanese fireflies and North American fireflies. Among the North American fireflies, non-luminous fireflies, Lucidota atra, showed much more complicated GC-MS profile than those of luminous fireflies, Photuris lucicrescens and Photuris cinctipennis.

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