
Nutrients present in a soil are the most important elements required for the healthy growth of plants and soil fertility is the status of the soil to supply nutrients to plants in adequate amounts and in suitable proportions. Soil fertility may be influenced by the water quality of the tanks used for irrigation. Study was conducted to evaluate the soil fertility status of selected command areas of three lakes- Eachanur, V. Mallenahalli and Halkurke in Tiptur taluk. The variables tested included pH, EC, OC, N, P, and K. The study revealed that the pH of the soil samples ranged from 7.07 to 7.87 and was on slightly alkaline side but within the limit of 6.5-8.5 which is optimum for crops. EC values ranged from 0.26dSm -1 to 0.485dSm -1 and were within the limit of 0.8dSm -1 indicating low salinity status of the soils. OC content ranged from 0.50% to 0.67% and all the samples were of medium rating. Available nitrogen ranged from 54.825kg/ha to 85.72kg/ha; available phosphorous ranged from 5.33kg/ha to 10.79kg/ha and samples were nitrogen and phosphorous deficient. Potassium ranged from 156.18kg/ha to 434.38kg/ha and samples were of medium rating except one sample of high rating with respect to potassium.

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