
AbstractWe investigate the spectral properties of red supergiant stars in the four RSGCs (RSGC2, RSGC3, RSGC4, RSGC5, and Alicante 10) in the Scutum-Crux arm of the Milky Way. The high-resolution (R: 45,000) near-infrared (H and K bands) spectra for 41 red supergiants were obtained using IGRINS at Gemini South telescope. The calibration of effective temperatures and gravities are derived based on the EWTi and EWCO using supergiants in IGIRNS library. The resulted temperatures and gravities are consistent with previous results. Model spectra were synthesized using derived stellar parameters from which we estimate metallicities and chemical abundances like α-elements. In our preliminary result, we find that overall four RSGCs indeed have sub-solar metallicities as already known in previous studies. The metallicity properties of RSGCs are far off the nominal metallicity trend in this region, and this suggests recent low-metallicity gas fueling into the inner disk and bulge.

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