
Abstract. The article proposes a version of the author's interpretation of the autobiographical experience that the philosopher and methodologist G.P. Shchedrovitsky did in his life. On the basis of this experience, the author proposes to simultaneously develop a certain methodological construct of that cultural form, which is called intellectual (philosophical) autobiography. And how is it seen as the key, sought-for unit that makes up the autobiography. The author sees the event (situation) of self-determination as such a unit. Using vital and methodological material and comprehension of different versions of the autobiographical discourse that Shchedrovitsky built, the author shows how he understood his place in history, what life strategy he developed and what requirements in this connection he made to others, companions and students, while presenting their methodological optics to autobiographical discourse. The material from the biography of Shchedrovitsky factually shows the experience of life in intellectual asceticism, although not in the categories of religious monastic asceticism. The article shows how the methodologist and philosopher built their situation of self-determination in culture and history, manifested in specific life situations. On the example of a dispute and a life conflict, the difference in self-determination of different philosophers is shown, including the example of comparing the positions of G.P.Schedrovitsky and A.A.Zinoviev.

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