
Five-hundred-twenty-three species and 23 varieties are accepted as occurring in New Zealand and its associated offshore islands. Full literature citations are provided for accepted taxa; homotypic and heterotypic synonyms are cited when these are based on New Zealand material or when the names have been applied to New Zealand material. Dicranum subg. Trichodontium Dix. is raised to generic rank, as Trichodontium (Dix.) Fife, gen. & stat. nov. The following new combinations or new names are included: Brachythecium allisonii Fife nom. nov. (for Brachythe- cium subpilosum var. angustifolium Allis.), Calyptrochaeta apiculata var. tasmanica (Broth.) Fife comb. & stat. nov., Dicranum plurisetum (Dix.) Fife comb. nov., Entosthodon subnudus var. subcuspidatus (Broth.) Fife comb. & stat. nov., Eurhynchium novae-zealandiae (Dix.) Fife comb. nov., Fissidens curvatus var. inclinabilis (Dix.) Beever in Fife comb. nov., Pseudocrossidium crinitum var. obscurum (Dix.) B. H. Macmillan & Fife in Fife comb. nov., Pyrrhobryum mnioides subsp. contortum (Hook. f & Wils.) Fife comb. & stat. nov., Tortula areolata (Knight) Fife comb. nov., Trichodontium falcatum (R. Br. ter.) Fife comb. nov., and Weissia patula (Knight) Fife comb. nov. The earliest collections of New Zealand mosses were made by Archibald Menzies at Dusky Sound in 1791. The first floristic accounts were published some 60 years later with Wilson & Hooker's treat- ments of the mosses of Auckland and Campbell Islands (1845) and of the three main islands of New Zealand (1854). Resident botanists making notable bryophyte collections during the mid-19th century included W. Colenso, J. von Haast, J. Hector & J. Buchanan, C. Knight, A. Sinclair, and H. Travers, while the more important visiting collectors during this period were J. Jolliffe, L. Lindsay, and D. Lyall. Wilson & Hooker's treatments, together with these collections, provided the foundation for the discus- sion in J. D. Hooker's Handbook of the New Zea- land Flora (1867). Numerous botanists resident in New Zealand

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