
Columns packed with silica-based bonded phases have been used in reversed-phase liquid chromatography because of their high porosity, large surface area, compatibility with different solvents, mechanical stability, ease of surface modification, and economic feasibility. Bulk monolithic columns have attracted a considerable amount of interest in the last decade, andbothmonolithicandpackedchromatographiccolumnshave their own advantages and disadvantages. 1–5 The columns packedwithparticleshaveahighefficiencybuttheyareaccompanied with a high column back pressure due to lower permeability, while the monolithic columns have a high permeability but they result in inferior separation efficiency for the analysis ofsmallmoleculesinHPLC. 6–13 Inourlaboratory,wehavebeen using the pseudo-monolithic silica particles with C-18 ligand 1,14,15 or polystyrene film 1,2,16–18 as packing materials. In the current study, porous partially sub-2 μm silica monolith

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