
In the digital era, chatbots have emerged as a transformative tool in online marketing (Crolic et al. 2022). This abstract introduces an ongoing research endeavor that specifically explores the role of chatbots in online marketing strategies. The research is a work in progress, aimed at understanding and contributing to the dynamic field of chatbot marketing. In today's dynamic digital landscape, chatbots have gained prominence as a powerful element of online marketing (Nwachukwu and Affen, 2023). This abstract serves as a preliminary exploration of the role of chatbots and conveys that our research is in progress, intended to provide insights into their evolving significance in online marketing. Chatbots, AI-driven virtual conversational agents, are becoming ubiquitous in digital marketing. Our research in progress focuses on understanding how these chatbots engage with customers, answer queries, and facilitate personalized interactions. We explore how chatbots enhance customer experience and drive engagement on websites and messaging platforms. A key aspect of our research in progress is dedicated to conversational marketing, wherein chatbots play a pivotal role in guiding customers through their journey. We investigate how chatbots create a seamless conversational experience and the impact on lead generation and conversions. Our research explores how chatbots collect and analyze data to offer personalized recommendations and insights. We aim to understand how chatbots leverage data-driven personalization to enhance user experience and provide tailored solutions to customers. As part of our research in progress, we delve into the future of chatbots in marketing. We anticipate discussing emerging trends and potential challenges, such as the integration of chatbots with emerging technologies, including voice assistants and augmented reality. Methodology and Data Collection Our ongoing research employs a mixed-method approach, combining quantitative and qualitative data collection techniques. We conduct surveys, interviews, and user behavior analysis to gather insights into how chatbots are perceived and utilized by businesses and consumers. Implications for Businesses Our research aims to offer practical insights for businesses aiming to leverage chatbots in their marketing strategies. We discuss potential benefits and challenges, providing guidance on the optimal use of chatbots to drive brand engagement and customer satisfaction. In conclusion, this abstract represents an ongoing research initiative focusing on the pivotal role of chatbots in online marketing. By emphasizing that our research is a work in progress, we signal our commitment to contributing to the evolving field of chatbot marketing. As we continue our research journey, we anticipate providing valuable insights to assist businesses in harnessing the potential of chatbots for online marketing success.

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