
FAQs are mostly provided on the company's website to inform their service and product. It's just that the FAQ is usually less interactive and presents too much information that is less practical. Chatbot can be used as an alternative in providing FAQ. In this study, chatbots were developed for BTPN in providing information about their products, namely Jenius. Chatbot developed utilizes natural language processing so that the system can understand user queries in the form of natural language. The cosine similarity algorithm is used to find similarities between queries and patterns in the knowledge base. Patterns with the highest cosine values are considered to be most similar to user queries. It's just that, this algorithm does not pay attention to the structure of the sentence so that it adds checking the structure of the sentence with the parse tree to give weight to the pattern. This chatbot application has been tested by 10 users and it was found that the suitability of the answers with user input was 84%. Therefore the chatbot developed can be used by BTPN to provide Jenius product information to consumers more interactively and practically.

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