
Not long ago, it wouldn’t have been unusual to find Third Rock Ventures founder Kevin Starr in his office at 6 AM with music blaring. Colleagues prepping for the day would have to ask him to turn it down. Not anymore. “I keep the music at a whisper level now,” Starr says. These days, he is acutely aware of the noise level inside each flight he takes. He has even taken to plugging his ears when an ambulance screams by. What’s changed? Starr is now the interim chief executive officer of Decibel Therapeutics, launched in October to develop treatments for hearing disorders. Three years of learning about the inner workings of the ear and the growing epidemic of hearing loss prompted the venture capitalist to be smarter about protecting his own hearing. “It’s changed my life,” he says. Decibel is the latest in a crop of biotech firms trying to

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