
Contents: Introduction Part I The Persian Letters: Personality and politics in the Persian Letters, Orest Ranum The idea of nature in the Lettres Persanes, Ronald Grimsley Montesquieu's story of the troglodytes: its background, meaning and significance, Allessandro S. Crisafulli. Part II Roman History: The design of Montesquieu's considerations: Considerations on the Causes of the Greatness of the Romans and Their Decline, David Lowenthal Christianity and politics in Montesquieu's Greatness and Decline of the Romans, Richard Myers. Part III The Methodology of The Spirit of Laws: Montesquieu and the problem of 'la diversitA(c)', C.P. Courtney Montesquieu's methodology: holism, individualism, and morality, David Young Montesquieu's method, Emile Durkheim Montesquieu's science of politics: absolute values and ethical relativism in L'Esprit des Lois, George Klosko. Part IV Republics: Montesquieu and the classics: republican government in The Spirit of the Laws, David Lowenthal Virtuous republics and glorious monarchies: 2 models in Montesquieu's political thought, Nannerl O. Keohane Not so virtuous republics: Montesquieu, Venice, and the theory of aristocratic republicanism, David W. Carrithers The confederate republic in Montesquieu, Christopher Wolfe. Part V Monarchies: The politics of distinction and disobedience: honor and the defense of liberty in Montesquieu, Sharon Krause A rhetoric of aristocratic reaction? Nobility in De l'Esprit des Lois, Johnson Kent Wright Montesquieu and the concept of civil society, Melvin Richter. Part VI Despotisms: Montesquieu's comparative analysis of Europe and Asia: intended and unintended consequences, Melvin Richter Montesquieu's view of despotism and his use of travel literature, David Young Fearing monarchs and merchants: Montesquieu's 2 theories of despotism, Roger Boesche. Part VII England: Montesquieu, Bolingbroke, and the separation of powers, Robert Shackleton Montesquieu, M.J.C. Vile Montesquieu and the separation of powers, Pierre Manent. Part VIII Religion: Montesquieu's religious ideas, Roger B. Oake Of believers and barbarians: Montesquieu's enlightened toleration, Diana Schaub. Part IX Commerce, Economics and International Relations: Montesquieu and the wealth of nations, Nicos E. Devletoglou Commerce, power and justice: Montesquieu on international politics, Stephen J. Rosow. Part X Philosophy of History: Montesquieu's historical pessimism, Gilbert Chinard Montesquieu's philosophy of history, David Carrithers Name Index.

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