
Comprehensive experimental results on the kinetic characteristics of LiNbO3 charging process are reported. Secondary electron emission (SEE) yield, surface potential, and the sum of leakage and displacement currents were experimentally obtained during electron beam irradiation in the energy range from 200 eV to 10 keV for both sides of the Z-cut. We found that at the initial stage of charging, the SEE current that were collected by a hemispherical electrode changes its sign. It was explained by the emergence of a large displacement current on the collector. The direction of this current is opposite to the directions of SEE and backscattered electron currents. If a large positive charge arises on the surface of ferroelectrics, the positive displacement current dominates the secondary emission current; this fact was confirmed experimentally. Also, a high value of the negative surface potential in the electron energy range 200–700 eV for −Z cut of lithium niobate was found, though in this energy region, positive charging is observed for nonpolar dielectrics. The influence of domain repolarization currents on the measured emitted electrons and displacement current signals is shown.

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