
In this paper, we are focused on studying the possibility of providing a new well-behaved class of exact solutions for viable anisotropic stellar systems with dust and phantom regimes in the framework of Rastall gravity theory. This gravity theory modifies the matter sector only, incorporating new ingredients to the physical parameters that describe the model like charge density, electric field, density, and pressure components. Furthermore, other significant amounts are influenced, such as subliminal speeds of the pressure waves in radial and transversal directions, observational parameters such as the surface redshift associated with the total mass M and the radius R of the compact stellar configurations. Likewise, a transcendent mechanism such as equilibrium via generalized Tolman–Oppenheimer–Volkoff equation and stability of the stellar system is upset. The unidentified constraints are evaluated via the boundary conditions along with the dust and phantom models to describe as exterior space–times considering experimental statistics of five different stars i.e., EXO 1785 - 248, SMC X - 1, SAX J 1808.4 - 3658, 4U 1538 - 52, and HER X - 1. Various physical aspects have been analyzed with the help of modified dynamical equations. Exclusively, all the stellar configurations under observations are realistic, stable, and are free from all singularities. After witnessing the minor differences between our proposed models in both cases, Andréasson’s limit M≤R/3+R/9+Q2/3R has been fulfilled as required by the charged stellar structures. In such an astrophysical scenario, our new results provide circumstantial evidence in favor of super-massive pulsars.

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