
In some recent derivations thermal characters of the inner horizon have been employed; however, the understanding of possible role that may play the inner horizons of black holes in black hole thermodynamics is still somewhat incomplete. Motivated by this problem we investigate Hawking radiation of the Reissner-Nordstrom-Taub-NUT (RNTN) black hole by considering thermal characters of both the outer and inner horizons. We apply Damour-Ruffini method and the thin film brick wall model to calculate the temperature and the entropy of the inner horizon of the RNTN black hole. The inner horizon admits thermal character with positive temperature and entropy proportional to its area, and it thus may contribute to the total entropy of the black hole in the context of Nernst theorem. Considering conservations of energy and charge and the back-reaction of emitting particles to the spacetime, the emission spectra are obtained for both the inner and outer horizons. The total emission rate is the product of the emission rates of the inner and outer horizons, and it deviates from the purely thermal spectrum and can bring some information out. Thus, the result can be treated as an explanation to the information loss paradox.

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