
The ground state of a charged Bose gas is studied throughout a large range of densities in a self-consistent-field approximation formalism which includes the short-range correlations between bosons through a local-field correction. Numerical self-consistent calculations have been carried out in order to determine the static structure factor $S(\stackrel{\ensuremath{\rightarrow}}{\mathrm{q}})$. Hence, from $S(\stackrel{\ensuremath{\rightarrow}}{\mathrm{q}})$ we have obtained the pair-correlation functions, the ground-state energy which essentially is the correlation energy, the pressure of the gas, and, from Feynman's relation, the energy spectrum of elementary excitations. The response of the system to a static impurity charge has also been investigated. In the high-density limit our calculations show the same results as those given by Bogoliubov's perturbation theory. In the intermediate-density region, corresponding to the strongly coupled system, our results are in very good agreement with recent calculations based on the hypernetted-chain integral equation as well as Monte Carlo computations.

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