
There is keen interest in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenide films for a variety of optoelectronic applications due to their direct band gap and fast carrier dynamics. However, the mechanisms dominating their carrier dynamics are poorly understood. By combining time-resolved terahertz (THz) spectroscopy and transient absorption, we are able to shed light on the optoelectronic properties of large area CVD grown mono- and multilayer MoS2 films and determine the origins of the characteristic two-component excited state dynamics. The photoinduced conductivity shows that charge carriers, and not excitons, are responsible for the subpicosecond dynamics. Identical dynamics resulting from sub-optical gap excitation suggest that charge carriers are rapidly trapped by midgap states within 600 fs. This process complicates the excited state spectrum with rapid changes in line-width broadening in addition to a red-shift due to band gap renormalization and simple state-filling effects. These dynamics are insensi...

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