
Abstract Aperiodic order plays a very significant role in biology, as it determines most informative content of genomes. Amongst the various physical, chemical or biological phenomena that might be inferred from sequence correlations, charge transfer properties deserve particular attention. Indeed, the nature of DNA-mediated charge migration has been related to the understanding of damage recognition process, protein binding, or with the task of engineering biological processes (e.g. designing nanoscale sensing of genomic mutations), opening new challenges for emerging nanobiotechnologies. Nevertheless, the solution of Schrödinger´s equation with a potential that is given by a one-dimensional array of the double-stranded DNA remains as a main open theme in solid state physics of biological macromolecules. In this contribution, I will shortly review several approaches introduced during the last few years in order to describe charge transfer migration in DNA in terms of tight-binding effective Hamiltonians.

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