
Momentum and doping dependence of the static charge susceptibility $\ensuremath{\chi}(\mathbf{q})$ in the $t\text{\ensuremath{-}}{t}^{\ensuremath{'}}\text{\ensuremath{-}}J$ model is investigated. Correlations lead to a strongly momentum-dependent renormalization of $\ensuremath{\chi}(\mathbf{q})$. The charge susceptibility near the $(\ensuremath{\pi},\ensuremath{\pi})$ region of the Brillouin zone is strongly suppressed as the hole density $\ensuremath{\delta}$ is decreased. However, contrary to naive expectations, $\ensuremath{\chi}(\mathbf{q})$ around $\mathbf{q}=(\ensuremath{\pi},0)$ and $(0,\ensuremath{\pi})$ remains large and practically unchanged at $\ensuremath{\delta}\ensuremath{\sim}0.1--0.5$. This effect is consistent with a tendency towards low-energy charge fluctuations with the wave vectors along the $\ensuremath{\Gamma}\text{\ensuremath{-}}X$ direction, reported in earlier studies. Our main finding is that the above trends are amplified by $J$-driven pairing effects, indicating that the pseudogap formation may promote the charge inhomogeneity. The next-nearest hopping ${t}^{\ensuremath{'}}$ leads to weakening of the above momentum-selective renormalizations of $\ensuremath{\chi}(\mathbf{q})$. We analyze the effects of long-range Coulomb interaction, taking into account a layered structure of cuprates. As an application, the results are discussed in the context of bond-stretching phonon softening in hole-doped cuprates. In particular, a peculiar doping and momentum dependence of the electron-phonon coupling constant is found.

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