
Nickel-doped β-Ga2O3 crystals were investigated by optical absorption and photoconductivity, revealing Ni-related deep levels. The photoconductivity spectra were fitted using the phenomenological Kopylov and Pikhtin model to identify the energy of the zero-phonon transition (thermal ionization), Franck–Condon shift, and effective phonon energy. The resulting values are compared with the predicted ones by first-principle calculations based on the density functional theory (DFT). An acceptor level (0/−) of 1.9 eV and a donor level (+/0) of 1.1 eV above the valence band minimum are consistently determined for NiGa, which preferentially incorporates on the octahedrally coordinated Ga site. Temperature-dependent resistivity measurements yield a thermal activation energy of ∼2.0 eV that agrees well with the determined Ni acceptor level. Conclusively, Ni is an eminently suitable candidate for compensation doping for producing semi-insulating β-Ga2O3 substrates due to the position of the acceptor level (below and close to the mid-bandgap).

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