
In near Bohr velocity ion-atom collisions, a dependence of target K-shell ionization cross sections upon the ionic charge states has been observed. Experiments were performed in silicon solid target with 2–5 MeV iodineq+ ions incident in charge states +20 to +25. K-shell ionization cross section of silicon for q = 20 and 22 iodine ions impact with the same incident energy are almost equal, and are well described by the theory of binding-energy-modified BEA. However, for q = 25 iodine ions collisions, 3d vacancies of projectile transfer to the 1s orbit of target atom via rotational coupling of 3dπ, δ-3dσ molecular orbits in the framework of quasi-molecular model, which results in an increase of the K-shell ionization cross section of silicon.

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