
Calculations are made for the electron capture and loss cross sections and the charge state distributions of uranium ions at energies of 200 MeV/nucleon, 437 MeV/nucleon and 962 MeV/nucleon colliding with low- Z and high- Z targets. The charge states of the projectile ions are determined from the equilibrium condition between electron loss from the ion and electron capture from a target atom into the projectile ion. The electron loss cross sections are formulated using the relativistic Born approximation. The electron capture process is considered to be non-radiative electron capture (non-REC) and radiative electron capture (REC) in the relativistic impact velocity range. The non-REC cross sections are calculated by Eichler's formula based on the eikonal theory, while for the evaluation of the relativistic REC process the contributions of internal e +e − pair creation and successive e +e − pair annihilation processes are taken into account in addition to the usual REC photon emission process.

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