
We calculate the tunnelling conductance spectra of a ferromagneticmetal/insulator/triplet-superconductor junction from thereflection amplitudes using the Blonder-Tinkham-Klapwijk formula.For the triplet superconductor, we assume one special p-wave orderparameter, having line nodes, and two two-dimensional f-wave orderparameters with line nodes, breaking the time-reversal symmetry.Also we examine nodeless pairing potentials. The evolution of thespectra with the exchange potential depends solely on the topologyof the gap. The weak Andreev reflection within the ferromagnetresults in the suppression of the tunnelling conductance andeliminates the resonances due to the anisotropy of the pairingpotential. The tunnelling spectrum splits asymmetrically withrespect to E = 0 under the influence of an external magnetic field.The results can be used to distinguish between the possiblecandidate pairing states of the superconductor Sr2RuO4.

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