
In the process of semantic capture, traditional sentence representation methods tend to lose a lot of global and contextual semantics and ignore the internal structure information of words in sentences. To address these limitations, we propose a sentence representation method for character-assisted construction-Bert (CharAs-CBert) to improve the accuracy of sentiment text classification. First, based on the construction, a more effective construction vector is generated to distinguish the basic morphology of the sentence and reduce the ambiguity of the same word in different sentences. At the same time, it aims to strengthen the representation of salient words and effectively capture contextual semantics. Second, character feature vectors are introduced to explore the internal structure information of sentences and improve the representation ability of local and global semantics. Then, to make the sentence representation have better stability and robustness, character information, word information, and construction vectors are combined and used together for sentence representation. Finally, the evaluation and verification are carried out on various open-source baseline data such as ACL-14 and SemEval 2014 to demonstrate the validity and reliability of sentence representation, namely, the F1 and ACC are 87.54% and 92.88% on ACL14, respectively.

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