
The results of analyzes based on the Lambda-Mu-Rho method, allow us to understand how the properties of a formation are related to each other, identify lithological and petrophysical variability, recognise zones of saturation with hydrocarbons, and in the next stage, to integrate these results with seismic data. Consequently, various parameters of the deposit are considered (lithological, petrophysical, geochemical, geomechanical) and their waveform response whose interrelations can be observed in different scales of observation, giving the most reliable and coherent picture of the analyzed area. The aim of the article is to present the possibility of lithological and parametric identification using the LMR method, as well as attempt to determine the sweet spot for the shale reservoir interval. Lamé parameters (λρ and μρ) analysis supports the inference regarding relations between elastic moduli and individual parameters as well as lithology and fluid discrimination. Numerous publications have confirmed the validity of applying the LMR method due to the reliability of the obtained results. In our work, several relationships between velocity of compressional (Vp) and shear (Vs) waves, density, Lambda-Rho (λρ), Mu-Rho (μρ), brittleness index (BI) and total organic content (TOC) were analyzed. The anonymous analyzing area covers five formations associated with limestones and shales rocks. This article concerns the general characteristic of these formations, including two of them which accumulate hydrocarbons from the same petroleum system. A number of dependencies between the analyzed elastic parameters as well as brittleness and organic matter content were determined, as well as a threshold value for the Vp /Vs ratio, defining the hydrocarbon accumulation zones. Finally, the analysis results were applied in the 3D model, locating the hydrocarbon accumulation zones within one of the analyzed formations.

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