
The virtual basic laparoscopic skill trainer suturing simulator (VBLaST-SS©) was developed to simulate the intracorporeal suturing task in the FLS program. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the training effectiveness and participants' learning curves on the VBLaST-SS© and to assess whether the skills were retained after 2weeks without training. Fourteen medical students participated in the study. Participants were randomly assigned to two training groups (7 per group): VBLaST-SS© or FLS, based on the modality of training. Participants practiced on their assigned system for one session (30min or up to ten repetitions) a day, 5days a week for three consecutive weeks. Their baseline, post-test, and retention (after 2weeks) performance were also analyzed. Participants' performance scores were calculated based on the original FLS scoring system. The cumulative summation (CUSUM) method was used to evaluate learning. Two-way mixed factorial ANOVA was used to compare the effects of group, time point (baseline, post-test, and retention), and their interaction on performance. Six outof seven participants in each group reached the predefined proficiency level after 7days of training. Participants' performance improved significantly (p < 0.001) after training within their assigned group. The CUSUM learning curve shows that one participant in each group achieved 5% failure rate by the end of the training period. Twelve out of fourteen participants' CUSUM curves showed a negative trend toward achieving the 5% failure rate after further training. The VBLaST-SS© is effective in training laparoscopic suturing skill. Participants' performance of intracorporeal suturing was significantly improved after training on both systems and was retained after 2 weeks of no training.

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