
Since high density operation is advantageous for building an efficient fusion reactor, understanding the density limit in tokamaks has been seen as one of the most important issues. This paper reports a series of measurements around the last-closed flux surface (LCFS) in L-mode plasmas by using a thermal helium beam diagnostic. Fluctuation analysis has been employed to characterize the poloidal flow and the turbulence structure. A reversal of the poloidal flow in the scrape-off layer and concomitant cooling of the outer divertor plasma are observed as the density is raised. While, in the confined region, the change in the density barely affects the poloidal flow, a higher density shifts the fluctuation power spectral densities toward lower frequencies and wave numbers. The eddy tilting of this region is consistent with what is expected from the magnetic shear effect. A radially coherent low frequency mode appears in the case of the highest density investigated in this study (n¯e/ne,GW = 0.51), and higher frequencies near the LCFS are modulated by this mode.

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