
With continuous scaling down of the semiconductor technology, the soft errors induced by energetic particles have become an increasing challenge in designing current and next-generation reliable microprocessors. Due to their large share of the transistor budget and die area, cache memories suffer from an increasing vulnerability against soft errors. Previous work based on the vulnerability factor (VF) analysis proposed analytical models to evaluate the reliability of on-chip data and instruction caches. However, we have no possession of a system-level study on the vulnerability of instruction caches. In this paper, we propose a new analytical model to estimate the system-level vulnerability factor for on-chip instruction caches. In our model, the error masking/detection effects in instructions based on the Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) are studied. Our experimental results using SPEC benchmark suite show that the self-error-masking/detection in instructions will reduce the VF of the instruction caches compared to the previous study. We also conduct an evaluation on the effectiveness of the reliability optimization techniques for instruction caches under our system-level VF characterization. Our proposed vulnerability model can provide an insightful guidance for the reliable instruction cache and ISA design.

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