
Integrated microstructural, quartz petrofabric and flow vorticity analyses on mylonitic rocks in the lower plate of the Neybaz Chatak Detachment Shear Zone provide significant information regarding the kinematic characteristics coeval with the Chapedony metamorphic core complex development within the Central East Iranian Microcontinent. Several kinematic shear sense indicators including quartz c-axis fabrics, S–C fabrics, rotated feldspar and mica fish reveal that the detachment shear zone has experienced a consistent top-to-the NE-directed progressive shear deformation. Detailed investigations on recrystallization types of quartz and feldspar in the mylonites demonstrate that the deformation occurred under the amphibolite facies condition corresponding to mid-crustal levels. A combination of investigations on mineral assemblages, microstructures of quartz and feldspar, and quartz lattice preferred orientations (LPOs) show that deformation temperatures ranged from 400 to 645 °C that were varied across a distance of ~21 km in the extension direction (NE-SW). The western and eastern parts of the study area experienced lower temperatures compared to the central parts. The gneissic mylonite record sub simple shear deformation (Wm = 0.56–0.85, 64–36%) associated with an increasing of pure shear component. These data highlight that the metamorphic rocks of the study underwent a non-coaxial shear with ductile low-angle normal faulting, resulting in subvertical thinning in the extensional deformation regime responsible for formation of the core complex.

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