
<p>Geologic evidence of island uplift and subsidence can provide important observational constraints on the rheology, thermal evolution, and dynamics of the lithosphere and mantle – all of which have implications for understanding Earth’s heat budget, the styles of deformation that develop at plate boundaries, and the surface expression of mantle convection. Hotspot ocean islands, like the Hawaiian Islands, result from mantle plumes, which may originate as deep as the core-mantle boundary. They often host paleoshorelines, which preserve a geologic record of surface deformation, and they can also be situated far from complex plate boundaries that obscure evidence of dynamic topography – long wavelength, low amplitude topography resulting from mantle flow. Ocean islands therefore provide a unique window to deep earth processes operating today and in the geologic past.<br><br>We examine the relative contribution of lithosphere and mantle processes to surface deflection at ocean hotspots. The seafloor surrounding ocean hotspots is typically 0.5 - 2 km shallower than expected for its age over areas hundreds to >1000 km wide, but the processes generating these bathymetric swells are uncertain. Swells may result from reheating and thinning of the lithosphere and the isostatic effect of replacing colder, denser lithosphere with hotter, less dense upper mantle. Alternately, they may be supported by upward flow of ascending mantle plumes and/or hot, buoyant plume material ponded beneath the lithosphere. Because these two end-member models predict different patterns of seafloor and island subsidence, swell morphology and the geologic record of island drowning may reveal which of these mechanisms dominates the process of swell uplift. We examine swell bathymetry and island drowning at 14 hotspots and find a correspondence between island lifespan and residence time atop swell bathymetry, implying that islands drown as tectonic plate motion transports them past mantle sources of uplift. This correspondence argues strongly for dynamic uplift of the lithosphere at ocean hotspots. Our results also explain global variations in island lifespan on fast- and slow-moving tectonic plates (e.g. drowned islands in the Galápagos <4 Myr old versus islands >20 Myr old above sea level in the Canary Islands), which strongly influence island topography, biodiversity, and climate.<br><br>Over shorter timescales, paleoshorelines on hotspot ocean islands may constrain transient changes in local swell morphology. Accounting for flexural isostatic adjustment of the lithosphere to volcanic loading, we also examine patterns in the residual deflection of paleoshorelines across the Hawaiian Islands that might correspond to non-steady state behavior of the Hawaiian plume. Together, these analyses highlight the unique constraints that island paleoshorelines and topo-bathymetry can place on plume-plate interactions at ocean hotspots.</p>

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