
The Bose-Hubbard model subjected to an effective magnetic field hosts a plethora of phases with different topological orders when tuning the chemical potential. Using the density matrix renormalization group method, we identify several gapped phases near the first Mott lobe at strong interactions. They are connected by a particle-hole symmetry to a variety of quantum Hall states stabilized at low fillings. We characterize phases of both particle and hole type and identify signatures compatible with Laughlin, Moore-Read, and bosonic integer quantum Hall states by calculating the quantized Hall conductance and by extracting the topological entanglement entropy. Furthermore, we analyze the entanglement spectrum of Laughlin states of bosonic particles and holes for a range of interaction strengths, as well as the entanglement spectrum of a Moore-Read state. These results further corroborate the existence of topological states at high fillings, close to the first Mott lobe, as hole analogs of the respective low-filling states.

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