
In 1984, Matthews and Sumner conjectured that every 4-connected, claw-free graph contains a Hamiltonian cycle. This still unresolved conjecture has been the motivation for research into the existence of other cycle structures. In this paper, we consider the stronger property of pancyclicity for 4-connected graphs. In particular, we show that every 4-connected, {K1,3,N(i,j,k)}-free graph, where i,j,k≥1 and i+j+k=6, is pancyclic. This, together with results by Ferrara, Morris, Wenger, and Ferrara et al. completes a characterization of the graphs Y such that every {K1,3,Y}-free graph is pancyclic. In addition, this represents the best known progress towards answering a question of Gould concerning a characterization of the pairs of forbidden subgraphs that imply pancyclicity in 4-connected graphs.

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