
Traditional classification techniques usually classify data samples according to the physical organization, such as similarity, distance, and distribution, of the data features, which lack a general and explicit mechanism to represent data classes with semantic data patterns. Therefore, the incorporation of data pattern formation in classification is still a challenge problem. Meanwhile, data classification techniques can only work well when data features present high level of similarity in the feature space within each class. Such a hypothesis is not always satisfied, since, in real-world applications, we frequently encounter the following situation: On one hand, the data samples of some classes (usually representing the normal cases) present well defined patterns; on the other hand, the data features of other classes (usually representing abnormal classes) present large variance, i.e., low similarity within each class. Such a situation makes data classification a difficult task. In this paper, we present a novel solution to deal with the above mentioned problems based on the mesostructure of a complex network, built from the original data set. Specifically, we construct a core–periphery network from the training data set in such way that the normal class is represented by the core sub-network and the abnormal class is characterized by the peripheral sub-network. The testing data sample is classified to the core class if it gets a high coreness value; otherwise, it is classified to the periphery class. The proposed method is tested on an artificial data set and then applied to classify x-ray images for COVID-19 diagnosis, which presents high classification precision. In this way, we introduce a novel method to describe data pattern of the data “without pattern” through a network approach, contributing to the general solution of classification.

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