
We experimentally characterized and compared the soft error rates of 65-nm bulk and silicon on thin buried oxide (SOTB) SRAMs by conducting accelerated alpha and neutron irradiation tests. Measurement results show that an SOTB SRAM has better soft error immunity than a bulk SRAM. In particular, the number of 2-bit multiple cell upsets (MCUs) of SOTB SRAM was smaller by two orders of magnitude than that of bulk SRAM, and the number of 3-bit or larger MCUs decreased further. In addition, the reverse body bias (RBB) reduced the soft error rate of SOTB SRAM to two-thirds of zero body bias (ZBB). To investigate this dependence on body bias, we evaluated the sensitive cross sectional area for ZBB and RBB with 3D technology computer aided design device simulations. The simulation results show that the RBB decreases the sensitive cross-sectional area of an SOTB device for small linear energy transfer (LET) ions, which is consistent with the measured dependence on body bias.

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