
Occasional algal blooms, comprised of blue-green algae and/or green algae, cause significant challenges in drinking water treatment due to the release of algogenic organic matter (AOM) into water extracellularly and, upon cell lysis, intracellularly. AOM has been extracted from blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) by various means and analyzed by UV absorbance scanning, HPSEC-UV-fluorescence-DOC, UV absorbance ratio index (URI), FTIR, and fluorescence excitation emission matrix (EEM). AOM extracted in water as a solvent exhibited a high hydrophilic fraction (57.3%) with a low SUVA (1.0 L/m-mg). The molecular weight (MW) distribution showed a significant heterogeneity (high value of polydispersivity) and high protein content (as indicated by specific fluorescence). Significant amounts of proteinaceous components such as mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs, UV-screening components) and phycobilins (light-harvesting pigment) were detected by UV/visible absorption. The presence of proteins was confirmed by FTIR (at 1661 and 1552 cm −1), EEM spectra (EX:278–282 nm and EM:304–353 nm), and high URI values (3.1–6.0). A bench-scale cross-flow unit, employing a flat-sheet membrane specimen, was used to examine nanofiltration (NF) membrane fouling and removal of natural organic matter (NOM) derived from different blends of Suwannee River humic acid (SRHA) and AOM: SRHA 10 mg C/L, AOM 3 mg C/L + SRHA 7 mg C/L, AOM 7 mg C/L + SRHA 3 mg C/L, and AOM 10 mg C/L. The study focused mainly on the effects of two different sources of organic matter on NF (NF 200) membrane fouling under otherwise similar conditions. Flux decline and organic matter rejection as a function of delivered DOC (cumulative mass of feed DOC per unit area) showed significantly different results depending on the organic matter composition of samples even though the test conditions were the same (organic matter concentration, pH, temperature, inorganic salt composition and concentration, and recovery). A higher flux decline was observed with increasing proportions of AOM. Organic matter rejections also decreased with higher AOM contributions to the samples, indicating that lower molecular weight (MW) AOM components were not well rejected by the NF 200 membrane having a 360 Da MWCO. However, SRHA that exhibited a relatively high MW (1000–5000 Da range) and high SUVA (7.4 L/m-mg) was preferentially rejected through electrostatic repulsion/size exclusion by the NF 200 membrane, having a high negative charge, low MWCO, and relatively low hydrophobicity. Even though the DOC concentration of feed water is a decisive factor for membrane fouling along with membrane properties and operating conditions, the characteristics of organic matter are more influential in fouling potential. Protein-like and polysaccharide-like substances were found as major foulants by FTIR.

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